David with his Harp, Sarah Myers Sculpture in terracotta |
This ornate
sculpture is a mingling of various times. It was inspired by a
sixteenth century painting of King David, where the painter dressed
the ancient monarch in a rich and peculiar costume of the artist's
own time and perched him on a tree with other ancestors in the line
of the Christ-child – a symbolic subject coming from earlier
medieval days. In my sculpture the King is alone, barely laying his
fingers to the invisible harp-strings; pensive, wrapped perhaps in
the reflections brought by his own prophetic music. I have rendered
the rich embroidered clothes with lines directly drawn into the clay
– a technique called sgraffito – and roughly hatched with a sharp
tool to paradoxically create the deep fur collar of his cloak. His
large harp rears in front of him like the prow of a ship; a few
leaves from the tree cluster at his back.
David with his Harp, Sarah Myers. Detail of face. |
David with his Harp, Sarah Myers |
David with his Harp, Sarah Myers. Side view. |
David with Harp, Sarah Myers Details. |
David with his Harp, Sarah Myers. Detail of back. |
David with his Harp. Sculpture by Sarah Myers. |