Still-life with Pineapple, Sarah Myers |
In this large
still-life are combined a handsome pineapple, an exuberant vase of
red clay, a pair of early oranges from our own orange tree, and two
solemn red pears. Shape echoes shape and colours mirror colours in
smaller and larger forms. The spheres of the oranges imitate the
rotund base of the pottery; the outline of the more prominent
pear reflects the upright body of the pineapple, though its colour –
apart from the brown tones that describe its softer, natural
substance - is very similar to the earthenware pot.
This painting is
in acrylics. The vase is a rendering of a hand-built ceramic by my
sister Amy Myers.
Still-life with Pineapple, Sarah Myers. Detail. |
Still-life with Pineapple, detail. |
Still-life with Pineapple, Sarah Myers Detail |
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